Band of the Week 12th December 2009

Climbing to the top of the charts this week on the indie bands blog, band of the week chart is The Gadsdens, from the UK. As ever the chart contains as wide range of musical influences in the top ten as the global audience who read the indie bands blog.

The Gadsdens Band of the Week

The Gadsdens Band of the Week

Band of the week: Top 10. Saturday 12th December 2009.

  1. The Gadsdens UK (+ 3 places)
  2. The Drums USA  (+ 7 places)
  3. Gaoler’s Daughter UK (+ 1 place)
  4. Jon and Lynn USA (re-entry)
  5. Gary War USA (unchanged)
  6. Mono Stereo Sweden (re-entry)
  7. Divorce UK (re-entry)
  8. Them Bird Things Finland/USA (- 7 places)
  9. Krakatoa UK (- 3 places)
  10. Rajasthan Roots India (-8 places)

The Gadsdens, a five piece band who play technical, yet intuitive music appeal to a broad audience base and the recently released debut single, The Sailor Song The Gadsdens - The Sailor Song has brought them to a far wider audience.

Purchases made through the The Gadsdens - The Sailor Song link will result in the indie bands blog earning a commission.


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  1. [...] Gaoler’s Daughter climb one spce in Indiebandsblog Jump to Comments Gaoler’s Daughter have climbed up another place to claim the Number Three spot in Indiebandsblog “Band of the Week”…and Krakatoa, one of 360 Degree music label’s other bands are Number 9! Go boys go! To see the chart in full click here [...]

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