Mono Stereo

Author: Tim  //  Category: Swedish Bands

Back in 2006, Mono Stereo from Sweden formed when brothers Jakub (drums and vocals) and Geggan (vocals and rhythm guitar) got together with Kjelle (lead guitar) and Gunnar (bass), bringing together elements of bands such as the Kinks from the ’60s and Stone Roses from the ’90s.

Mono Stereo

Mono Stereo

Skillful use of the guitars adds a resonance and power to Mono Stereo. Guitar feedback which has the hallmarks of Hawkwind are neatly controlled as drums and bass keep driving the movement forwards. The two guitars interplay imaginatively creating a sound which is both recognizable yet clearly new, as Mono Stereo are undoubtedly a band of this Century. They use their influences merely as stakes on which to reference their output. Guitar solos are not permitted to wander in to those lengthy asides, which was the hallmark of this genre a generation ago, as the unrelenting drumming maintains direction. Mono Stereo are another of those bands, I can’t pin down exactly what I like, other than to say: The total package is what makes this work; Great use of the two guitars; An energy and direction which keeps the output tight and focused and; Voices which blend perfectly to the music.

The band name makes some sense to me with the music, as the guitars interplay in stereo the bass and drums keep everything running on track, the mono.

band website

Aside from that I am always fascinated by drummers who manage to put in powerful performances, yet have the voice control to provide vocals. I was in a band for a short while  in the early ’80s in which some vocals were provided by the drummer and it always amazed me he could do this, when as the front-man I was completely stuffed just singing. Mono Stereo are soon to release an EP and we will bring you more news of this on the Indie bands blog, together with tour news as it becomes available, at present we have had one date in London for this month confirmed, check back for the dates.

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3 Responses to “Mono Stereo”

  1. Kate Says:

    I can hear a bit of early Pink Floyd in there. Good band – it is impressive when drummers sing too, they must be mega-fit to be able to do both.

  2. Tim Says:

    Yes, you are right Kate, there are a broad range of influences here, including Floyd.

    What is nice, is to hear it pared down to become current

  3. Mono Stereo -Space Out EP | Indie bands blog Says:

    [...] the link for more on Mono Stereo, including a video of Orange is Green addthis_url = [...]

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