Brittni Paiva – Four Strings: The Fire Within

From Hawaii, Brittni Paiva has taken her preferred instrument, the Ukulele and since 2005 has been creating upbeat heartfelt instrumental music, which she describes as reflecting her emotional life.

Four Strings: The Fire Within

Four Strings: The Fire Within

Brittni has garnered considerable interest and following in Hawaii and is now aiming to bring her music to a wider audience and her album Four Strings: The Fire within, due for release on 27th October, is a composition which comprises her most soul searching work to date, is set to bring the Ukulele to a far broader audience. This is a release which brings out the very best in an under-utilised instrument and it is great to hear someone showcasing this effectively with a well produced album, which sees the slower more emotional tracks alongside dance tempo.


The new 10 track album, which incorporates both original work and covers, is now available from Brittni Paiva - Four Strings - the Fire Within


48 Responses to “Brittni Paiva – Four Strings: The Fire Within”
  1. Barbara W says:

    Brittni not only can make those strings sing but she is a very talented writer and a great teacher who is willing to share with all who ask! Looking forward to more and more of her music!!!!

  2. The Whites says:

    Amazing talent. Our vote goes to Brittni.

  3. Richard Ichikawa says:

    clean, cool, precise, and entertaining – its just amazing what clear-cut talent can do with the ukulele.

  4. Chris says:

    Brittni has emerged as a major player in the ukulele world. She can really put the uke through its paces! Great skill, poise and maturity.

  5. Ray Pendro says:

    If you see Brittni perform in public, you will instantly recognize what an inspiration she is to other young people who play the uke or who want to learn. She is a magnificent example of “what is possible” when a person has passion and determination.

  6. Sally MacDonald says:

    I found Brittni when I was living on Oahu…What wonderful talent!!! Can’t wait to get the new album!!! Keep up the great music. I now live in NW Florida, sure do miss the Islands but listening to Brittni makes it all better!!!

  7. Pat says:

    Awesome recording. Grammy contender for sure.

  8. Michael says:

    I first learned about Brittni by searching the internet for recordings of “Somewhere Over The Rainbow”. When I listened to her recording on youtube I fell in love with her musical style. I since found her website and purchased one of her cd’s entitled “Brittni”. Will definitely get another. Thank you for your music!

  9. Kalena says:

    It’s a pleasure watching Brittni’s talent mature. We anticipate each new project knowing it’ll be awesome before we hear it. She doesn’t disappoint us.

  10. Mickey A. Driver says:

    My wife and I live in Houston, Texas, and we are big fans of Brittni! We have seen her live in concert and are amazed at her talent and the way she connects with her audiences. SHe is a crowd pleaser and folks can’t get enough of her amazing ukulele and other musical skills. Glad she has a new album coming out. Go Brittni! You’re the best. Mickey and Debbie Driver, Houston, Texas, USA

  11. Janet Rasmussen says:

    I vote for Brittni Paiva – a wonderful young artist from here in Hawai’i!!!

  12. Lydia Neal says:

    Brittni is the best, what a talent! I admire her so much.

  13. Judi says:

    Brittni is the best!

  14. larry neal says:

    Awsome CD, Can not wait to see and hear you play in March….

  15. bill manning says:

    brittni cant say enough about your new cd I play it every nite when I am having my cocktail its got to be 5 oclock somewhere

  16. inger shain says:

    wrote for Brittnis cd

  17. Ruth says:

    Brittni, your CD is just awsome I have all 4 now

  18. Oldlahainaboy says:

    Brittni–such a great talent, and hopefully many years of growth in her craft to come. Congratulations, Brittni!

  19. Rusty says:

    I so love her music! It is incredible. She shows people that the Ukulele is a REAL instrument! And she plays with such feeling.

  20. Paul Nahinu says:

    When she first came to my town and I saw her play, I was amazed at how well her music was. I bought her first CD and had it auto graphed. Have bought 2 & 3. Now I need to buy #4. Keep up the good work Brittni. ALOHA

  21. Wei-En Raymond says:

    So young, so talented…Brittni makes beautiful music with her ukulele !

  22. Kailua Boy says:

    Brittni Paiva No Ka Best!!!

  23. john failing says:


  24. Keoki Lake says:

    Brittni appeared for a one nite gig in Edmonton. She was simply sensational…no other words can describe her musicianship ! Of course, we bought her CD’s and the sensation continues !!!

  25. Moses Kamai says:

    Great musician, talented, and great teacher. Love her music!

  26. Wayne says:

    Fantastic music, love that Brittni music.

  27. beachgirl says:

    brittni is fab…thanks and good luck from beachgirl

  28. Shari Olander says:

    Brittni gets better all the time. This latest CD is my favorite.

  29. Abby D. MacLean says:

    Brittni is an awesome talent. Her unique renditions of music ranging from Kadosh, to classical, to Hawaiian, to her latest album are inspired. It is a joy to listen to her. I only wish she would tour on the U.S. East Coast so we too could see her perform live and in person.

  30. Teri says:

    Brittni is a young female uke player who has talent beyond her years. She is unique with a style all her own. I’ve tried to play along with her CD’s – she’s a lady with incredibly skilled fingers that can play anything & everything. I have 3 of her CD’s – can’t wait to hear her latest one.

  31. Derek Gamiao says:

    Brittni has proven year after year at such a young age that music comes from the heart and being born with such gifted talent that it needs to be shared with the world so we all can come together and enjoy one thing in common – “Music”. She is not only a very talented artist but also an ambassodor of young musicians all over the world. We need more role models like her for our kids of today.

  32. Derek M. Hara says:

    I am always blessed when I listen to you play! God Bless you.

  33. bill manning says:

    I think brittnis new cd four strings the fire within is one of her better cd”s I have all four and enjoy her music so much go brittni

  34. Bob Gordon says:

    Brittni’s new CD, “FOUR STRINGS: The Fire Within” is first rate, showing amazing development in concept and performance. Being a uke player myself, I recognize a budding virtuoso in Brittni. I can hardly stop listening to this CD.

  35. Tina Gianoulis says:

    I saw Brittni perform in Hilo–her versatility and skill are amazing–she can play anything and make that uke sound like an orchestra–plus, she is so open and sweet and unassuming–not a diva, but a real deep artist.

  36. Larry says:

    Amazingly talented young woman, I anxiously await getting my copy of Four Strings: The Fire Within. I hope that someday she extends her tour of Canada to include SW Ontario, in the meantime I will continue to enjoy her music via iTunes and youtube. Thanks Brittni, you’re the best!
    ( )o)===#

  37. CAROL ABBE says:

    Such a joy to watch your development, Brittni, and to listen to this latest CD inspires ever greater interest in this magical instrument.

  38. Craig Olson says:

    I have watched Brittni play every summer in Hilo at our annual luau – she is hands down one of the most awesome performers I have ever seen. I have never heard anyone play this instrument the way she does, many times you would swear it is NOT a ukulele! Her prowess at this instrument is amazing given her youth. Not to be missed!

  39. Bruddah Bill says:

    Her ‘ukulele strings are directly connected to her heart strings. She takes me to a special place.

  40. I had the priviledge of listening to Brittni in Victoria, BC Canada when she was part of a travel agent presentation promoting the Big Island.
    I am still kicking myself for not buying a CD. She is amazing, and her personality is a close second to her music. What a delightful repetoire!
    Brittni, I wish you continued success. Come back again!!!

  41. dale says:

    brittni is the best!!!

  42. Jack Herring says:

    Within the multitudes of musicians there is always one that stands out from the others. Brittni is one those. I am looking forward to seeing her perform live. She is definitely one to watch.

  43. TJ says:

    So much music from one of one of the world’s smallest instruments!

    Brittni artistry has inspired me with my own Ukulele studies.

    Look “Somewhere Over the Rainbow” and you will find Brittni and her Ukulele.

  44. Markwitz says:

    Brittni is an awesome talent.

  45. BJ says:

    Brittni is remarkable – Of the many ‘ukulele players I have had the privilege of listening to, she is one of my utmost favorites. She prides herself on giving her 110 percent each time, and what strikes me the most about her is that she is very humble…One cannot help but be awed by the “whole package.” What a gem!

  46. LeAnn says:

    Your musicianship is awesome. What a great album.


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