Mystery Pills

Mystery Pills is Raj Dawson from Rapid City in the USA.

Mystery Pills

Mystery Pills

Well it is lo-fi and it’s from the USA couldn’t really be any-one else than an introduction from other than the superlative Banterman and my fantasy girl Karen. Much as I ponder her… anyway, Dawson – reminds me of a guitarist who lives locally. Same surname, but unlike Raj, though he could equally play in the market and in fact he is quite a tender guy. Lives in the world of roofing and although he would love to become a sommelier, whilst crafting a life in the music business, you will still find hacking up and down ladders laying rooves as his dreams lie burning with the waste at the end of the day. So sad, so many highly capable and able musicians never have the hand or courage to make their wings fly. But enough of Karen and Dawson, let’s look at, Mystery Pills.

The simplicity of the recording space is riven with the sophistication of the out-put as flowing in to the garden, yes for once I am out-side as I type, flows to the fences and wraps the sunlight in a rolling amber tinted reflector. At once sharper but simultaneously I can feel an emotional tint to the light. Many times lo-fi recordings vastly out-score hi-tech mixing for context, but rarely does lo-fi outscore hi-tech in sophistication. Mystery Pills has everything that you need to hear in an anxiety riven reflective of the world in which we lie.

If you are interested in the idea of shifting to South Dakota I have it on good authority that Raj is looking to develop from the solo artist and this is a creator worth taking the time to get to know. Drop me a note if you would like to hook up musically with Raj.




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