Rajasthan Roots
Jaipur based Rajasthan Roots one of the highlight acts at the 2009 Ladakh Confluence, are a collective of musicians and dancers who successfully bring the music of Rajasthan to a wider platform. Based on traditional folk, they have introduced elements of blues and electronica to the mix.
The fusion of instruments as diverse as saxophone and electric guitars with the Nagara and khartal generating a completely new sound and rhythm, which reflects the traditional and modern influences not only of the collective and Rajasthan, but the Indian culture as a whole.
Rather than providing a list of collective members of Rajasthan Roots and the various instruments they play, the following video gives some idea of the blend and variety of Rajasthan Roots.
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This post was mentioned on Twitter by nowuntill: Rajasthan Roots, combining tradition with modern instrumental. Great sound from Jaipur http://bit.ly/Golab…
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