Nicomedes is a solo singer / songwriter from La Perla Callao in Peru who uses a variety of vehicles to bring his ideas to the world. On occasion utilising additional musicians to his home-studio live recordings.
This is my first foray in to Peru and delightfully I have three distinctive platforms in which to listen.
Odin A. Kasparian is his a Folksy-pop revival sound. There is a mournful ring to the material which is enhanced by the folk melodies and added electronics.
San Malaquias has a far more surf-rock-pop emphasis, with an up-lifting beat and use of notes which raise the eyes skywards.
La Loca de Hojalata is an experimental electronics spring-board with the circuitry creating the sounds which splatter out of the speakers.
Taken as individual vehicles there is sufficient interest to warrant a closer listen, when considered in conjunction the material is of far greater consequence.
It will be of some considerable interest to see how this well hidden creator develops his evident passion of story-telling through the medium of music.
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