Noble Robot

Noble Robot is the experimental indie band made up of Rory Barber and Nellie Gillis from Williamsburg in the USA.

Noble Rot

Noble Robot

This is almost fractals in aural form. Noble Robot has little time for regular musical construction whilst they paint their visualizations of time and space. The high-pitch electronic notes which set the frame-work for much of the music drills in to the ears grabbing attention. Layered underneath are some intriguing musical compositions which ooze of the ethereal. Sometimes accompanied by lyrics, other times not.

The material doesn’t steer off in such tangential directions as to confuse the ears. It is the very fact of the ever unfolding sounds that strangely gives the music a symmetry which the brain can readily analyse. Allowing the music to develop its impressionist  structure whilst allowing the head to engage in the various parts of the compositions.

To make the most of the time spent with Noble Robot, I suggest a comfortable seat and good company.


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