
Dalia is the indie singer-songwriter Jennay Lozicky based in Los Angeles – USA.



This is the second performer I have written about today who transcends musical style definition. Dalia affords the listener to quite simply – settle back and let the music flows is path. Acoustics are accompanied by a scintillating voice which captures the mind and the resulting experience is one of timeless relaxation. Gelling a diversity of influences the song-writing and composition is of the highest order and although easy on the ear is not wall-paper music as the textures of sound keep the brain focussed.

The songs are not over-complicated which accompanied by the muted delivery could so easily have tipped in to the void of vacuousness, but Dalia has sufficient ability to steer well away from that trap and it is in fact the very ease and softness that keeps the listener wanting to keep in the space for some considerable time.  The notes flow in a recognizable pattern with ripples that gently nudge on another to create those textures to which I referred. This isn’t music to get your party started, but it most definitely music to share with friends in a relaxing moment.

This style of music demands as a core competency – creativity – and it will be interesting to see how deep the well of consciousness flows, for now there is certainly plenty to explore and promises of much more to come.


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