Black Water

Black Water an indie rock band from New Jersey in the USA comprises of Lloyd L. Naideck, Gary Laurie, Adam N. Copeland, and Gerry Griffin

Black Water

Black Water

Having spent more than a moment discussing the NDAA legislation I fell over Black Water and can’t help to make a connection between the world of corruption and the world of music or to put it another way - ”The music business is a cruel and shallow money trench, a long plastic hallway where thieves and pimps run free, and good men die like dogs. There’s also a negative side.”

The material is suitably cynical and refreshingly, so with a jaunty smile as it wanders past before you register you have a Glasgow Kiss to the face. Pulling references from as far back as the ’60s the quartet pull the threads to 2012 and it makes sense. Playful guitar is the synchronicity of Black Water and when this is given room to reign, the face pulls to a smile.

Swooping sounds emerge from the speakers to hijack the listener in a cuddle and somehow I find the juxtaposition between the illegal murderering of the innocent corporate machine, without the spaces between Black and Water and this levitational material, somehow makes the world seem a better place. Which given my angsty state of mind when I arrived is a smart cushion of out-put.


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