Jon and Lynn – Fool that I am

It isn’t often that the indie bands blog takes any notice of a remix, Jon and Lynn have taken ‘Fool that I am‘ to a new area.

Jon and Lynn

Jon and Lynn

Lynn manages to hold strength throughout the vocal, I can hear Jon working the bass hard to keep this together. As he said on a previous exchange he is learning to make the bass pronounce a new direction and he picks his way through a solo section, which manages to retain the resonance Lynn so comfortably retains.

I like this track as it is pushing the boundaries of what the bass can do on its own and the fact that they have so early explored the edges, bodes well for what they will explore in future releases. It will be interesting to hear Lynn being given more reign to her vocal capabilities and seeing how Jon can maintain the slap and pick to make this duo work in the future.

As I have previously mentioned I would like this to duo to fly, I still prefer Jon supporting Lynn, rather than too much solo bass which could easily become lost in the wind, this track balances it well. I like the remix and I like what they are doing and the fact they release so quickly to public critique is worth its weight in gold.

Fool that I am – Jon and Lynn available through indiebands

Keep in tune with the indie bands blog for more of Jon and Lynn

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2 Responses to “Jon and Lynn – Fool that I am”
  1. Tim says:

    Thanks for keeping an eye out on the blog and glad to be able to bring you more of Jon and Lynn

  2. alma groskinsky says:

    B e a u t i fu l love the low bass works so well Jon really
    plays with that ..It’s amazing to me I find the cooler you
    get the better you are..

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