Face The King – The Sound – EP review
It was almost a year ago that I first introduced Face The King and they have just released a new four track EP – The Sound - ahead of their forthcoming LP.
Opening with You, Me & The Sound there is an immediate sense of urgency that rolls out of the speakers as Face The King sit in territory which will be familiar to those who know the band as they deliver a powerful crescendo of sounds wrapped inside a fine threaded case.
Following with All The Pretty Things, which although containing all the big stadium effects to be expected, has a more tender feeling to it as the emotive context of the lyric is given room to express the sentiments. The overall impact is a more considered sound which floats the instruments around the vocal.
Next is The Stage an intriguing diversion and finds Face The King in an atmospheric space in which the material is tempered to allow the music create a dreamlike state of mind in which the listener can loosen their thoughts on a superb five minute track. My pick of the release as this demonstrates a broader capability and scope than is typically evident.
Concluding with The Science Apart which incorporates the big stadium rock and the more considered approach of the previous two tracks perhaps indicates where we can expect Face The King to direct their travel in the future.
The Sound serves as a great staging post for the current thinking of the quartet and the LP should have some significant additions if this is anything to go by.
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