The Reactors at Dublin Castle

The Reactors are a three piece band from London, I fell over and became an instant supporter of last night.

The Reactors

The Reactors @Dublin Castle

My plan was to meet one of the members from Cuarteles de Invierno who was over from Argentina for a few days, it is a long story, settle down while I try some brevity.

Nico, the vocalist was over in the UK for a few days and it made some sense to try and meet up, he was suffering from jet lag, I was suffering from lack of time, but we finally hooked up to meet at Dublin Castle, which is in London, not Eire, these things happen all around the world. Finally at about 4:30 Sunday afternoon I found a space to make the hundred mile trek and we agreed to meet in Camden at 8pm.

I arrived at Dublin Castle, gave Nico a call, but it wasn’t going to happen until later, so I wandered in to the back room to see who was playing, the audience numbers were low, a wet cold Sunday night in Camden, it happens.

An unassuming band took to the stage, Justin, the vocalist watching as his fellow members of the band set up. I cringed – no bass you know how I need bass lines, this isn’t going to work rang through my head and mentally I was off to the bar. It seemed even worse, the guitarist didn’t have a pedal and the drummer replaced a hi-hat with a tambourine.

With no effort, the band were suddenly in to Last night Standing and I was intrigued, it made sense, this was a tight band. With no pedal Chris on  a bright jade guitar (it may be bright something else as I am colour blind, but I am happy with a jade guitar) was making life easy with just a whammy bar and the drummer… Robbie knew his kit.

I don’t do videos here is a snip on an android, don’t blame The Reactors

I found myself listening to a band with no bass, who were missing nothing. I could hear an off-beat, which rang comfortably with my ears, I heard reminders of Adam and the Ants, before he got his face painted, all thoughts of the bar disappeared, I had even forgotten meeting Nico.

With minimal interaction, just a thank you, The Reactors played, to no fault of their own the tiny audience, a trail of ’70′s punk influenced tracks, such as Can’t do right and Get it sorted, where The Ruts and Sham 69 were shouting to me, on to Charm Away and Mindless Lady, which resonated influences from Hollywood Westerns.

I would recommend seeing these guys and they have a few gigs lined up… Oh and they are after a bass guitar, which I didn’t even miss, drop me a note via the contact form if you are interested.

After a chat with the guys, there is a review of the band to follow, keep in touch on twitter.

Nico, yes I know that is the story you want to follow, well eventually at half past midnight I headed back on my return hundred mile trip and Nico and I spoke today, mañana isn’t just from Spain, it hits South America as well….

I am delighted I arrived at Dublin Castle, else I wouldn’t have The Reactors to tell you about, so many thanks Nico.

Enjoy your trip to Milano Nico, an email is on its way about the OfeliaDorme gigs. Looking forward to meeting Clara V from Vaqueros Paganos and her husband Maca, next month (well maybe if we can do something other than  mañana time).

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  1. [...] I wrote on another piece, I came across The Reactors by chance, see the gig review and thoroughly enjoyed the music. After the gig we spent quite along time talking and Chris has [...]

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