Richard Jay

Richard Jay from The UK is a solo artist who writes his own material, plays all the instruments and sings. What always impresses me with artists like Richard is the absolute commitment and self-belief that is required. I had a phone conversation with Richard and inevitably asked him why he had chosen the solo route and it is simply down to dedication. He has played in bands previously but the band concept just hadn’t worked for him.

Richard Jay

Richard Jay

As I have previously mentioned on other articles about solo artists, the real commitment is behind the scenes, as each track has to be written, played and laid down by the solo artist. As a former vocalist, I can only say, laying down the vocals was enough to drive me in to an apoplectic rage, never mind the idea of doing it over and over again for each instrument and back then most material was only on an 8 track recording.

On live performance Richard can be seen lugging in his laptop on which music is already laid, a guitar and his mike, he does sometimes use a session drummer when he plays live.

Richard Jay writes is an impressive writer, his music belies his years and there is a depth and resonance to the out-put. With his effective use of layering the music generates a sound which creates the effect of this being a group with numerous singers and musicians. His music is not my natural territory, but I can hear some superb writing and musical ability and it will be no surprise to see this heading in to the mainstream.

Today is a superb introduction to the sound of Richard Jay:

Richard Jay – Today

to hear more head over to his myspace page.

Having already secured local BBC Radio play, he is planning to head off to LA early next year to write and collaborate with a couple of other solo artists. Keep your ears open for Richard Jay, he deserves considerable success. As I have more news I will get it posted and hopefully get up some video pretty soon.

Thanks Christian for setting up the interview and Richard for your time. For more on the global Indie music scene, sign up for our newsletter.

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3 Responses to “Richard Jay”
  1. pink oranges says:

    love your shit if you like that check out pink oranges also solo performer makes all his music

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