Amateur Historians

Amateur Historians is Chris Curry (Vocals / Guitar), Luke Casey (Bass guitar) and Gerard McCorry (Drums) an alternative Indie band from Belfast in Northern Ireland.

Amateur Historians

Amateur Historians

The introspective sounds speak of the realities of life choices and plans gone awry. But that isn’t to say it is a space of despair, far from it, there is a nervy uplifting edginess that speaks of the next turn of the wheel coming up trumps.

The material that Amateur Historians pumps out is raw and it is that simplicity that adds a notch of power to the context in which the tunes are written as mood and expressions match each other leaving the listener focussed on the compositions. In addition to being able to play jangly rock numbers the trio are equally able to resonate drama through more melodic moments which demonstrate a breadth of abilities which given time to grow could well see the band develop in to something of a core focal point.

It is a little convoluted to find a natural place on my playlist – but that doesn’t meant it shouldn’t be considered as an addition to yours. I find the higher registers just don’t drill into my soul, but then you already know the way to gain my hearts’ attention is to have a thumping bass and powerful drums.

This is a band I would enjoy getting out to see live as they have plenty of energy and a genuine feel through recordings and I wish Amateur Historians all the best wherever their music takes them and long may they keep creating their sounds, which have much to add to the world of music.


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