The Dead Rat Orchestra

The Dead Rat Orchestra is the Colchester (England) based trio of Experimental musicians Daniel Merrill, Robin Alderton and Nathaniel Mann.

The Dead Rat Orchestra

The Dead Rat Orchestra

Another introduction from Jo Brook at Bad Timing who sniff out the best experimental music where ever it may be in the world and aim to deliver it to live performance in and around Cambridge in the UK.

Aimed at live performance, you never know which instruments the band will turn up to play, they may include – for example – violins, harmoniums, logs, axes and pigeon flutes. They are very much a live performance band, who seek to shape the music to the venue. Not truly totally improvised, neither can the material be termed fully composed.

Exploring the edges of deliverables is a difficult balance to ride, The Dead Rat Orchestra are somewhat seasoned having been around for over a decade now and having played internationally at a diversity of venues. As with all experimental music this needs to be approached with an open mind and a desire to take the journey. If you spend the time, then in my view here we find something which has and will stand the test of time.


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