
Rocketeer originally from Somerset in England, now based in London saddled up in 2007. Benny Carter (Drums), Felix Hagan (Vocals / Bass), Francis Bevan (Lead guitar), Hugh Carter (Rhythm guitar) and Tom Heaven (Keyboards / Trumpet) rustle up an alternative indie sound.



Extravagance exudes from the speakers, the only sadness being to get a handle on the sound of Rocketeer is shrouded in a mystery as after 5 years there appear to be only 3 tracks available on public audio. Fortunately I was able to extract a little more to wend its way in to my ears. There is a deftness of musical ability which the band engross the listener.

I sit in the out-posts of the British Empire long gone as the easy arrogance of discordance which still lurks in the British Foreign Office is captured with pin-point sharpness. There is the fluidity of Mercury on the table as Rocketeer stride confidently through the material. I get the feeling they have become their own worst enemy in garnering a far stronger audience. Whilst the music is sublime, the squirrelling away of the sounds seems futile.  I just wish they had the confidence which strides across the music to actually let a wider audience take a listen.

Enrapturing compositions emerge from the speakers, recollecting the best of the Alternative music scene, with that wink of the eye which expressed the mood are captured by Rocketeer. 

I really enjoy the music and I just wish the band would let more people have a chance to take a listen.


The Cowardly Soldier’s Lament is available on The Cowardly Soldier's Lament - Single - Rocketeer*

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