
From Linköping in Sweden we find Gus Ring (guitars / vocals), Anders Persson (drums / percussion) and Jacob Häggberg (bass / backing vocals) who make up the alternative indie band Soundmeds.



On hitting play your ears will immediately recognize the open spaces and melodic influences must be from Scandinavia. Once again we find a band exploring isolation and vastness with visual creativity through the music. In my more reflective moments this music makes perfect sense.

The trio deliver fairly lengthy songs, typically over the five minute mark, which provides ample time for the cortex to nestle in comfort. There may be a sense of somnambulism, which I know was queried on a recent review, but that is not necessarily a critique as music is – of a moment, hence making it subjective. Hence my comment don’t discard musically what doesn’t quite gel on first hearing as in the right moment it may be the panacea and this I suggest will be the case with Soundmeds. If you are hurrying out to a party, this will make you late and in the wrong moment on your arrival, but when you return the following morning, this may well suit that moment of reflection.

Soundmeds is able to extrapolate much from the instruments with a creativity that steers towards introspection, which is always a conundrum I find with much of the music from Sweden – I discussed this with Pretty Solitude.

The finesse in the material on offer from the band is the subtlety with which they  deliver huge atmospherics under the veil of sparingly spaced notes.

[embedplusvideo height="343" width="560" standard="" vars="ytid=yQr0-zSRpq0&width=560&height=343&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=&notes=" id="ep2190" /]



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