Death in Plains

Death in Plains is Enrico Boccioletti, from Pesaro in Italy, who brings to the world the sounds of electronics.

Death in Plains

Death in Plains

Death in Plains, is just what needed after a hectic morning, the languorous beats, akin to a synchrocyclotron, with the laid back sound-waves generating an ever more effective cocoon in which to relax. Effortlessly, the days concerns are shrugged off the shoulders, the bounced impulses ease in to the ears.

Subtle fuzz cloaks the music, with the vocal floating gently above the sound-track. It would be easy to drift away for some considerable time, as the music performs its magic. Despite the under-stated out-put, Enrico packs a powerful range of notes in the construction of the music, which give this a well structured direction. It’s very lassitude is its power.

He is also perfectly capable of upping the tempo and delivering a far more energetic scaffold on which to weave the music.


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