Manchester Snow
Manchester Snow an indie rock band from Salzburg in Austria is the trio of Rupert Karl (Vocals / Guitar / Synth), Marvin Sillner (Vocals / Bass) and Niklas Mayr (Drums / Keys).
I am always interested in Austrian Bands for a variety of reasons. I first learnt to ski and gain my love for the mountains in Kitzbühel just before Franz Klammer came to the fore, but more relevantly many of those I have come across manage to bring together a range of influences from the USA and Europe. Manchester Snow continue with this melting pot, generating sounds which have some familiarity, whilst also distinctive and new.
Smartly defined sharp edges splice the output of Manchester Snow as they delineate the music almost as though they have guillotine on hand and it is the sparse guitar that adds the real dimension to what these guys are doing. By adding the synth there is a continuum of sound which underscores the material and gives it the harmony, but the real power lies inside those cut edges and fingered guitar notes.
For the refreshing material the trio combine American ‘indie-pop’ and ‘Brit-pop’ to generate something enervating and well worth spending some time to get to know.
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