Jetson Manic

Jetson Manic is the four piece rock band of Matt (Vocals / Guitar), Dug (Bass / Vocals), Byrney (Drums) and Spo (Lead Guitar) from Sydney in Australia.

Jetson Manic - a rock band from Australia

Jetson Manic

About a year old now Jetson Manic is continuing the thread of rock based bands from Australia I seem to be mining at the moment, each with something distinct to say. The material produced here is a far softer melodic texture driven sound which plays on the heart strings as much as those on a guitar, that isn’t to say they can’t turn up the pace as necessary to inject invective.

The guttural strings are given plenty of room to describe the track under a glaze of reverb which brings the whole sound down a notch to become simultaneously more expressive and more focussed. The hammering percussion is where you would expect to find it and Jeston Manic make a fine fist of throwing something out that is at once immediately recognizable for its rock ‘n roll derivation, but has been taken down a quieter eddy and the resulting output has all the hallmarks of a band which should have some legs to it.

The fact that the musicians have all been in bands previously is evident by the way they have blended together in a short space of time and had the confidence to pare it all back a little. It is with some interest I look forward to their debut EP which is scheduled for release imminently.


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