The Cambodian Space Project

The Cambodian Space Project from Phnom Penh in Cambodia is a psychedelic R&B surf pop band fronted by  Srey Thy who was working as a club singer when she joined forces with guitarist Julien Poulson in 2009. The band now comprises musicians from France, Cambodia and Australia.

The Cambodian Space Project

The Cambodian Space Project

Reflective of musicians murdered and the politics of the Khmer Rouge genocide, the material utilises instruments, such as traditional  Tro u combined with those of conventional Western Rock to generate a sound which demands the feet wander across the floor. The entrancing vocalist draws the ears in closely, whilst the music wraps a delightful envelope around the influences of Western rock and South East Asian tradition, which contains as many surprises as it does familiarity.

The generous music sweeps up the audience in a fascinating journey and it is of little surprise that in their short development the band has travelled across the world to deliver to enthusiastic fans.

The Cambodian Space Project is something to open any-time of the day to raise the spirits and enrapture the aural cavities.


2011: A Space Odyssey is available on 2011: A Space Odyssey - The Cambodian Space Project*

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