The Seven Deadly Sins EP review Misery Lake

The Seven Deadly Sins from Edinburgh in Scotland release their burgeoning  alternative rock 4 track EP Misery Lake on 5th June 2012.

The Seven Deadly Sins - Misery Lake

The Seven Deadly Sins - Misery Lake

Opening with An Accident Waiting To Happen (Awoo Woo Woo) a rock-a-billy number rings out of the speakers and this is what got me in to The Seven Deadly Sins. For me could have been a single, the louder the better, the rest is appendage.

After that acerbic introduction is Yesterday just an appendix waiting for surgery- well no – an acoustic feel flows out of the speakers accompanied by a clippety clop of blue suede as the band tones down the sound to take a shape to the release with a far more touchy-feely number, this needs a partner in which to share stolen kisses in the shadows. Beautiful sharps contact the Zygomaticus major and minor, Orbicularis oculi, Levator labii superioris, Levator anguli oris and Risorius. Or more simply – Smiling as I listen despite the lyrical sadness, of opportunities missed.

Misery Lake - how could a track firmly embossed in the bottom string not entice, well this is the heart and soul of the release. This is a challenging track and a dichotomy for the ears as it takes a completely different direction as the music lays back in tempo and the vocal is given the canvass in which to play. Let it develop and you will find The Seven Deadly Sins in superb form, sometimes the best does lie in the final moments, patience will be rewarded.

Concluding with  I Hate The Smell of a Rat, The Seven Deadly Sins set the listener a quandary. Rock-a-billy fuel or introspective acoustics, on this they wander off to the full sound that lies so well in my ears. But cleverly throughout the release they engage the listener, whilst giving themselves space to explore. The book-ends are the superlatives of the EP for me.

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