Jon & Lynn: The Giant Cicada EP

Jon Burr and Lynn Stein, a perennial favourite on the indie bands blog have returned with a new EP in the guise of The Giant Cicada, which in my laymans terms means, Double Bass and Vocal with additional instruments. I think the new iteration works really well… Hey I even appear on their Electronic Press Kit, but what do I know, let’s see how it fares in the band of the week and band of the month charts to get a real perspective.

In the meantime, ahead of a proposed June 1st release lets take a gander at Jon & Lynn: The Giant Cicada EP

Jon & Lynn: Giant Cicada EP

Jon & Lynn: Giant Cicada EP

An eight track release comprising covers and original material, Jon & Lynn and The Giant Cicada explore some interesting space.

Liquid Summer introduces the new concept with aplomb as violin and vocal combine to superb effect. The resonance is sharper, a different space to Bass and vocal. The production however retains the syncopation between bass and vocal as the depth adds resonance to the  original sound, Lynn and Jon haven’t deserted the scene.

Doodle Oo finds a new soundscape and demonstrates the added value of the added instruments, as new spaces are explored with alacrity and sense. This is a track which enables the core duo to demonstrate their versatility with consummate ease, a space the compostion skills of Jon would have found hugely challenging with just bass and vocal is handled superbly, though it would be interesting to hear this with just the duo.

Gonna Get Through finds Lynn taking control and making sense of the track which despite some strong construction, somehow lacks the soul of the purity of double bass and vocal.

For the remainder of the release to do fair justice, let’s forget Jon and Lynn the duo and concentrate on The Giant Cicada.

Glitter in the Air a reworking on the Pink song performed at the 2010 Grammys, finds the musicians blending as one and generating a piece of music which folds and flows with soul and ingenuity. Vocal coincides with drum, which flows to guitar, which disappears in to violin, while the double bass retains syncopation.

Opening with furious fingers, Fever is a track which makes me smile. Completely reversing the original, the track becomes a desperate need for completion – genius.

Slowing it back right down, Tell Me About Your Life, takes us on to the dance floor as the band showcase powerful composition and direction.

Tell Me About Your Life

Going Out of My Head lets the band wander in to dreamscape, which they handle with ease. This is a cleverly created track as they pare back the sound, whilst retaining a sense of depth. Each instrument is given space to explore, while remaining exactly on direction.

Finishing with I’ll Fly Away hits the mid-west with alactrity. How can a New York Band hit this beat so comfortably, a superb dancing finale to the release.

Giant Cicada EP

Giant Cicada EP

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