Bridie Jackson & The Arbour

Bridie Jackson & The Arbour is a folk band from Newcastle upon Tyne, England, comprising Bridie Jackson (Vocals / Guitar / Piano /  Belleplates), Jenny Nendick (Cello / Belleplates), Carol Bowden (Percussion / Vocals / Belleplates) and Rachel Cross (Violin / Vocals / Belleplates).

Bridie Jackson and The Arbour -is a folk quartet from England

Bridie Jackson and The Arbour – AB Photography

From time to time we wander into the folk genre and I will leave it to you to draw your own comparisons. It seems to be mainly in spring and summer that I find folk resonates with my ears, perhaps it is the naivety that lies at the heart and soul of what is the emotional excoriation which comprises folk. When I manage to nestle with the genre I am always reminded how this style of music is perhaps the most honest of all as it attempts to be nothing more than it is.

Whatever and why-ever it may be, I find myself drawn to the sounds that are Bridie Jackson & The Arbour as the music reminds me of an hour or so I spent fascinated a few years ago watching a butterfly slowly emerge from its chrysalis with wings flopped, slowly pumping blood in to the veins and the wings taking their shape, waiting while warming to the day then confidently taking to the air and tentatively landing for the first time but a moment later, before gaining confidence and disappearing over the garden fence whilst forever remaining etched in my mind.

What has that got to do with Bridie Jackson & The Arbour you may wonder?

A few minutes with this quartet and it will all make sense. A delicacy of tremulous sounding notes flow through the speakers belieing the confidence that lies therein and quickly the listener is captivated by the assembled instruments as the natural progressions take their hold on the brain and before you realise it, an hour has passed.

Please Forgive Me My Human Ways – Single – Bridie Jackson & The Arbour is available on iTunes*.


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*Purchases made through the iTunes link will result in the Indie Bands Blog earning a commission.

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